lundi 12 août 2013

friendly friday feed my starving children

Friends and readers? I want to do something good with you. Like, literally with you.Have you heard of Feed My Starving Children? Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Christian nonprofit hunger relief organization that sends food into the poorest of areas across the globe. FMSC has several food packing locations in the US where volunteers can come, receive a quick training, and then work in an assembly line type environment to produce dried meals that can later be prepared and served.In 2010, more than 520,000 volunteers joined FMSC to package over 124 million meals for children around the world.During a single packing session, each volunteer packs an average of 1 box of food, which equals 216 meals—enough to feed 7 starving children for nearly a month. A month!What an amazing thing to be a part of, am I right? And I would love to be part of it with you.I want to do this. I want to help. I want you to help. I want to meet you. I want to serve with you. I want to laugh with you. I want to give with you.So let’s pack meals together this December.You don’t need to have a blog, a twitter account, be on pinterest, or even know what pinterest is in order to join us. You just need a few hours, two hands, and a big heart.O, and you need to look awesome in a hair net. Because, obviously.O My Friends Feed My Starving Children EventSaturday morning, December 31.To reserve your spot and get location and time details, send me an email at with FMSC somewhere in the subject.Can’t be there in person but want to come with us in spirit? Here’s how you can help:The cost to FMSC for 1 box of food is about $52. They do not receive the ingredients for free and need help to cover the cost of the meals that will be packed. You can learn how to donate here.I’m a tangible giver – as in I’d rather take the $10 I was going to donate, go buy $10 worth of something needed, and THEN donate it. Want to give a tangible gift to FMSC? I would be happy to purchase specific items for you and bring them to the packing location where we are headed. Here’s a wish list of their specific needs. If you’d like to take part in this way, shoot me an email and let’s chat (again, FMSC in the subject pretty pleasies).When we give our time and resources to FMSC, this food will go from our hands:To theirs:I can’t wait.{all above photos are from FMSC’s flickr photostream and are property of FMSC}:: :: :: :: :: ::Did you step out and do a friendly act this week? I would love to read about it. Please link up here. Only rules are 1) that you link to the post about your act of kindness, not just to your main blog url, that way if people are surfing through in the future, they’ll still find your post. Then, 2) within your post, link back to this post so that others can come join in the giving and the sharing and the love.(Any links that don’t follow the rulesies will be deleted. Capiche?)So? Go ahead! Warm fuzzies all around! Link up below:

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