vendredi 23 août 2013

his very first state fair

You can do the state fair with a seven week old infant. I have proof.Ok, so you’ll have to take my word for it that’s where this picture was taken, because it was.There were many exciting sights and sounds to take in while doing the Minnesota State Fair with the newest O My Family member.In order to venture out on a six hour trip such as this, it required a stroller, a car seat and a diaper bag filled with an extra outfit, diapers and wipes, a burp rag, a nursing cover, a Moby Wrap, THE LIST COULD GO ON. Holy inconvenience: babies need a lot of crap.But somehow we made it from our front door to the Park and Ride station, crap in hand. OBaby’s first bus ride:O parenting on the go, the crazy things you make me do.For example, I breastfed outside the machinery tent. And the arcade barn. And also next to a stranger. And we changed OBaby’s poopy diaper on a park bench.No pictures of that. Sorry/you’re welcome.I think we forgot to read the parenting etiquette manual that came with OBaby. Either that or we’re flying by the seat of our pants here and we just go with what is proper works.Like carrying your newborn (when does he stop being one of those, by the way? Did that already happen and I missed it? O goodness gracious, time, SLOW DOWN) in one arm through crowds of thousands of people on the Midway because being in his car seat makes him cry.Or eating dinner, baby in one hand, foot long corn dog in the other.Now that is how the state fair is done with a newborn/infant/SLOW DOWN. Also, not DanO’s best angle, but he gave me permission to post it. So.O, and I’m not sure that it’s exactly acceptable behavior to hold your 7 week old up like he’s driving a tractor…But OBaby saw this nice riding mower (which, now that I say that, I realize that this isn’t actually a tractor) and told us he wanted to ride it. We obliged.He also told us he wanted to do the Marine pull-up challenge, but we drew the line there, so his uncle (in Christ) Nick did it in his honor.He definitely won a lanyard. So proud.The people movers overhead, you know, moving people.OBaby did a stellar job at the fair, even giving us a smile show as thanks for letting him experience his first riding mower.After a while, it was just about OBaby’s bed time so I strapped on the Moby and carried him, sleeping, into the night. We stayed out later than we had since I was 30 weeks pregnant and OBaby slept peacefully wrapped up against me through a trip to the GOP tent, a stroll around the HUGE semi-trucks section, and a spicy serving of ‘buffalo chips’. By the time we headed to our car it was, brace yourself, 11:20pm folks!Proof positive that you can do the state fair with a seven week old infant**That’s where we were in this picture, promise.

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